Monday, July 14, 2008

...IS fAiLs...

IS really applies a lot to an organization to become competitive and advance on any other organization. But also there are cases that IS fails.

Here are some of the reasons why systems fail:
>>>the system not working properly.
>>>it does not perform as expected.
>>>it is not operational at the specified time.
>>>it cannot be used in the way intended

Lyytinen and Hirschheim (1987) identified 4 major categories of IS failure as
1. Correspondence failure is a lack of correspondence between IS objectives
and evaluation of the IS. This typically reflects management’s perspective on
IS failure.
Page 3
2. Process failure is when the IS development project is unable to produce a
workable systems or the project produces an IS beyond initial budget (cost,
time, etc).
3. Interaction failure is when the system is hardly ever used or there are major
problems in using the system.
4. Expectation failure is the inability of an IS to meet a specific stakeholder
group’s expectation.

1 comment:

rejserenity said...

this must not deal with its reasons why it fails, through this post, we could realize and learn also how to prevent these all if necessary for a better MIS result