Monday, November 9, 2009
NOVEMBER 16, 2009 >>>
Identification of the the Technology (to be presented in class with hard copy)
>>>Brief description of the technology.
>>>Impact of the Technology
>>>Contribution of the technology to the growth of life.
December 14, 2009 >>>
------------Presentation/Display of the Prototype of the Past technology----------------
January 18, 2010>>>
------------Presentation/Display of the Prototype of the Present Technology-----------
February 22, 2010>>>
------------Presentation of the Future Technology-------------------------------------
Maximum of 3 members
(Please Submit your group members to
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
..methOds and methOdOLOgy...
That was just based on my understanding.
...Let's CoMmEnt...
Since this topic is to comment from the answer of my classmates in Assignment Number 7, I will now dominate the chance to answer them in a manner of something. Just kidding. Since our theme for this year’s research proposal is about green campus computing, I will now have to comment about what George Dan Gil Duran’s answer. The article he has mentioned is about Green computing: IBM introduces new energy management software By Manufacturing Business Technology Staff –
Manufacturing Business Technology. “No matter where discovery takes place, IBM Researchers push the boundaries of science, technology and business to make the world work better. Our global network of scientists work on a range of applied and exploratory research projects to help clients, governments and universities apply scientific breakthroughs to solve real-world business and societal challenges.”
In this article he mentioned that as part of IBM’s Project Big Green, they have announced new software developed in order to help costumers in maximizing the energy efficiency and reduced cost associated with power and cooling. This latest version of IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) software combines views of energy management information that enable optimization across data centers and facilities infrastructures. Monitoring capabilities offer customers the ability to understand energy usage and alert data center managers to potential energy-related problems and take preventive action. Historical trending and forecasting capabilities enable greater precision in existing environments and energy planning. Autonomic capabilities allow customers to set power and utilization thresholds to help control energy usage. The new software can also help customers handle physical constraints in the data center relating tospace, power, andcooling. This new software of IBM provide not just in data centers but also in non-IT assets such as air conditioning equipment, power distribution units, lighting, and security systems. IBM will join forces with nine partners to offer IBM's IT management expertise with solutions that will allow customers to monitor and control energy consumption across their enterprise to help reduce power consumption and energy costs and better maintain service levels. The partners include:APC and TAC by Schneider Electric: Eaton Corporation: Emerson Network Power JohnsonControls,Inc.Matrikon: OSIsoft: Siemens Building Technologies: SynapSenseCorporation: VMware:
This article simply defines about a technical research about green campus computing. On which is really a great help to us. One example on which what we should do and to create about our research this trend today. Since green campus computing is really about how to make ways on which the user in technology helps save the environment, the idea of IBM is a great help. Not only to satisfy what has the user wanted but also to satisfy the need of the ecosystem. And since that, they have included partners to this project, this maybe is no questionable of this thing would really happen. Green campus computing is now on the trend today, specifically it is being used or common to everyone, especially to those who interacts with technology.
...tOp-tiEr jOurnALS..
Top-tier journals are not that low level kind of journals. Example of the top tier journals are CSP, ACM, i3E. ACM is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources. “The Association has become aware of a check fraud scheme where fraudulent checks that appear to come from the Association for Computing Machinery are being used to purchase items from Craigslist or possibly eBay. The Association does not make such purchases. You should contact your local police authorities if you receive one of these fraudulent checks.”, based from their website, ACM is said to be one of the leading deliverers of good quality journals. That is why, ACM is said to be one of the top-tier journals in the world today. Next journal is the I3E or the Institute 3E. I3E was been founded by Jon DiFlorio with their motto of “True success reflects a mutual commitment to excellence and integrity.”. Institute 3E has devoted themselves to discovering the path to athletic excellence. The answer is multifaceted, and Institute 3E has created a unique training facility with programs that are transforming athletic careers. “Traditional strength training often fails to include key elements that are essential for continued athletic superiority. New discoveries in sports science are shedding light on ways to achieve peak performance. Institute 3E is on the cutting edge of these conclusive approaches by incorporating physical conditioning, mental edge coaching, sports nutrition, lifestyle enhancement, as well as integrated medicine. Each athlete receives individual evaluations leading to personalized programming guaranteed to redefine and improve the athlete's speed, strength and overall abilities, and extract peak performances on a regular basis. No one is more committed to athletic success than Insititute 3E.”, from ACM and I3E differ itself because basically ACM is a scientific computing society while the I3E is for athletic issues and news. Why are they become popular in their line of field?
Being a journalist during my elementary and in my high school days, I have gone to many activities and seminars to enhance my writing skills. But I don’t know it has been enhanced. So my answer in this question would basically base on the learning’s I have learned during that year, if could still remember it.
In writing or creating a journal, it should be precise and on time. Precise or be exact is the right word to be exact. Sometimes, journalist writes their own topic just according to their points of view or in relation with what they feel. They sometimes draw different corners from what they are writing. Meaning, “paligoy-ligoy effect”. and sometimes they add words or create issues on which it is not real, just to gather the sympathy of the audience or for their personal intentions only. Exactness of the article should be base on time. Do not write an article today which is done yesterday. But in research, it is different. You can write a good research paper based on what has been searched in the past. Next in line is that, write an article which is unique. Article sometimes tend to have its duplicate idea or duplicate issue or topic. One of my adviser in elementary said that in one topic, there are lots of ideas that can be used in order to make a good article about the topic alone even if you have lots of competitors in the trend. Write an article which is different and have different taste from the others. Next is the reliability. Write an article which is really reliable. Do not create or write an article that it was just been intended to catch the audience interest even if there were issues and false issues on it. A good writer should possess a good quality of being reliable as well so that the audience will love the article even the journalist too. Next is the relevance. Same with that it is precise and on time. The article should be relevant to the public’s interest. So that the reader’s won’t say that the article is from another planet or where places in the world. Next is the presentation. The presentation should be ideal and can be seen neatly and clearly. It also should be in proper order so that the reader can read it nice. Next is the credibility. Credibility is the real basis of a good journal. Once the credibility is questioned, no audience will still be interested in reading or purchasing the journal. The main factor of a good journalism is towards the audience directly. To impress directly but not to the extent that the writer should write lies on their journals.
..cOmputer SciEnce ResEarch...
In creating a research, there are two kinds of it. One is for social research and the other is for technical research. Social research refers to research conducted by social scientists (primarily within sociology and social psychology), but also within other disciplines such as social policy, human geography, political science, social anthropology and education. Sociologists and other social scientists study diverse things: from census data on hundreds of thousands of human beings, through the in-depth analysis of the life of a single important person to monitoring what is happening on a street today - or what was happening a few hundred years ago. While on the other half, technical research is an applied research oriented toward engineering disciplines (but not to a specific product or process) and aimed at developing tools and test equipment and procedures, and at providing solutions to specific technical problems.
The question really is about what the state of computer science research is and what the varieties are of technical topics. From the first question, I have read an article titled Computer Science in
The results of the efforts mentioned above demonstrate that it is possible to carry out high-quality research in
Several explanations can be offered for this gap between potential and reality. They relate to an ill-defined definition of the purpose of research in a developing country like
There are many in Indian computer science who argues that the goals of research and development in
A stumbling block is the prevalent view that it is difficult to do "cutting-edge" research in
Because of the breadth of research coverage, in most areas of computer science research there is a subcritical research force as a result of which most Indian researchers work in isolation. They hence miss the much-needed opportunity to interact with peers and fellow workers in their area of specialization. Even when there are related efforts elsewhere within the country, as a researcher admitted, "Indians don't know what others are doing." With the current availability of e-mail, a few researchers have begun collaborative efforts, mainly with colleagues overseas. Many are of the opinion that cooperation among researchers within
One area that does not suffer from this problem is computer science theory. Most research-oriented academic departments have a substantial theory group, often the only group with critical mass. These researchers do not have to contend with the lack of resources and many with mathematical background find it an easier area to (re)train themselves in.
Besides a few research groups, ones with the required critical mass, very few researchers work with long-term research goals -- needed to have a coherent vision -- and strive to achieve it. This, along with an apparent lack of recognition of "sparks", a problem mentioned by many junior faculty, are cited as two of the many reasons for lower visibility of Indian computer science research. Another reason given is the paucity of research funds and the manner in which it is administered.
This research study in
These are the Technical Topics in which Computer Science Researches are now focused: 1. other fields of science,0
2. Engineering,
3. Commerce
4. Electronic Teaching
5. Information Retrieval, Databases, and Data Mining
6. Machine Learning
7. Networking, Distributed Systems, and Security
8. Robotics, Computer Vision, and Graphics
9. Software Systems and Architecture
Saturday, September 26, 2009
...How Do we knOw if A rEsEarch wOrk is gOod...
The first question stated of how do I know if the research work is good or not. This question is intended foe me as well. Since we are doing research now. For me, research is somehow like searching or studying a specific idea based from the past or creating your own idea as well. A good research is not based on the perspective of the researcher alone, it should be validated and studied for a period of time. Because of this, based on my understanding alone, a good research work is not only based on the researchers own idea of creating the research. It should be validated and the work should answer the question of why do such research. Meaning, a good research work answers the question of the researcher or in other words it provides a conclusion.
...fOr Our futUrE cArEer...
Research, to be defined first, is actually creating or revising what is being searched before. That’s why it is called research. Research then is something that is on your own idea, formulating a solution to problem. But somehow to me, research is a problem. Joke. In formulating a research topic, it must be in accordance to the theme, to the trend, and somehow helpful. That’s why it is called research by then.
I remember what our instructor said about our lesson in research. Research is not about just passing the subject alone, but creating or evaluating an idea that is on the trend this time together with the theme with matching on the level of the studies of the researchers. Actually, what really makes hard on creating a research topic is the fact that it will be implemented on the later run. I hate programming or creating systems. I don’t know why I ended up becoming a 4th year student only to find out that programming is not my forte, so much for that discussion. Next, in formulating a research topic, it must be in line with the theme, which is green campus computing and it should be a technical report on which it must consist of statistics, graphs, or a program itself. Green campus computing or green computing is a broad topic to be discussed. On our advocacy last year about it, green computing is somehow creating or making a possible simple solution to the new trend technology today on how to use it properly. Then, somehow, technicalities are not on the sense of it, on the first look. But actually, it has many ideas but somehow not on the level of knowledge of an IT or a CS student. There are some being done as a gadget, green gadget that is intended to be provided as an alternative to the one being used today. But actually, that was not the real question. I was just bluffing because it is not that really simple in creating a research topic, even the topic itself.
The real question is “What do you think is the role of research topic in deciding your future career?”. Like what I have discussed in above paragraph, research is somehow a document that it is intended to solve problems with simple ideas, or somehow solving big problems with your idea based on readings, article, facts, and books.
Like what I said again on the paragraph above, creating research topic is not that easy. Once you create a research problem, the researcher must first ask himself / herself with what might be the possible problems to be tackled. And that makes me think that research topic is somehow not that difficult to find, it’s the problem to be solved is the difficult one.
During the day wherein almost my classmate’s research proposal has been approved, it was in me who made it difficult. The first that comes out from my mind is that, what might be the problems that should or might be intended to be solved in line with the theme and should be simple but helpful? In the real world alone, without analyzing what we are doing, we are actually creating our own research topic. We are solving our problem in a sense of putting things together. After the class, me and my partner went out to the field and keep looking at the world around us. In that scenario, I was actually seeing the deep side of the world on which I never seen before. There were lots of problems to be discussed, it’s just were taking things simply, not seriously.
What do you think is the role of research topic in deciding my future career? I really don’t know the answer. Joke. The role of research topic in deciding my future career is simple, but I can’t explain. Joke again. In this question, it made me think that is it really a great help for me? My former classmates once told me that research is a great help for me especially in applying for job. It’s one of the basis or factor to tell that you are adequate or have a reasonable qualification to be hired. But not all research topics are good. Research topics are all acceptable, but not all are good. What if the research is for 30 years ago application solution, so it’s not on the trend, so one factor that it is a big help for my future career is after my career as a student here in university.
On the real world basis, actually, once a person has a problem, that person should or must have the guts to solve it. He or she is actually creating his or her own research documentation with implementation. Just like in research alone, it must have a problem to be solved. So in real world, research is really in working. Another thing, it is somehow creating your own research topic to be discussed and to have a formulation of creating solution to the problem.
The conclusion is that research topic is not only formulated or become useful in the economy alone, or in the industry or after graduation, research topic is somehow become useful even in the daily living. We do actually researches every day, it’s just we don’t tend to evaluate it as a research in real.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
...rEseArch tOpicS with EvaLuatiOn...
Packet Scheduling in Wireless LANs
Zhenghao Zhang, Steven Bronson, Jin Xie and Hu Wei
Computer Science Department
Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA
In this paper, the researcher studied about the one-sender-multiple receiver transmission technique. It allows a sender to send multiple receivers on the same frequency simultaneously by utilizing multiple antennas at the sender. For the researchers, the OSMR has the potential to significantly improve the downlink performance of wireless LANs, because of this; they can send distinct packets to multiple computers at the same time. They studied this research in Florida State University and done lots of experiments. Since this research topic is technical, they gathered data in done lots of statistical solutions. They focused on the problem maximizing network throughout and did propose a simple algorithm. The algorithm is simple and did suitable for the implementation with inexpensive processors.
The abstract of the study is only one paragraph and with few words only but it directs to the point of what the study is all about. Since that the study is more on very technicality, and the statistics formulas is very broad to understand, it was defined very well. They had a graphical solution, formulas, and experiments. Though they never mentioned it, I mean the methodology they used.
The whole paper was kind of confusing stuff for me. Like what I said during my sharing time, research paper don’t have specific format, but on this paper, what I have discussed is not really the same. What I noticed is that every experimentation they done, they put it in another title. Then, at the final part was their conclusion. The conclusion is somehow similar to the abstract. Since they were really at it to solve or to create solutions which are stated in the abstract.
Kernel Incremental Release Times
Subhajit Datta Robert van Engelen Andy Wang
Department of CS Department of CS Department of CS
Florida State University Florida State University Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530 Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530 Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530
Predictux, is a decision tree based framework for predicting how many days the next Linux kernel version will take to be released, based on analyzing some parameters of its past releases. In other words, this study focuses on the prediction of Linux date time to be next released. The word is released is being used to mean a subset of a software system’s functionality that is released to users for testing, use, and feedback. The research they have conducted is to examine the time a Linux kernel is to be released and within that time is there a chance that the software is reliable. With this, they did gather lots of factors to determine the time. Since that it determining the time, it requires lots of factors then. They used the decision tree to ease the understanding and interpreting the time. They did experimental validation as well as open issues and future works.
The abstract was just a glimpse of what the study is all about. The problem was being discussed in the introduction and motivation. There were only 5 chapters being discussed in this topic: The introduction, the framework, the validation of experiments, the open issues and future works, and the conclusion. What they discussed is just a brief summary of what they conducted. Actually, it is simple compare to the first research topic I have listed. And it is easier to understand though they still use statistics on it. The topic was really understandable. And on their conclusion, they conclude the answer to their problem. Though at first it was just hypnosis, at the end, after experimentation and statistical methods they done, they come up to a certain answer.
Allocation Dynamics across Software Projects
Subhajit Datta Robert van Engelen
Department of CS Department of CS
Florida State University Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530 Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530
In this paper, it introduced and illustrates the use of the project entropy metric to understand the dynamics of allocating resources across software projects. They also forwarded a hypothesis regarding the limit to which resource reallocation to enhance user satisfaction and outlined plans for further empirical validation of their ideas. In this research, the project entropy is a formula to testify the percentage of the user to accept particular software after its release. They still have hypnosis and hypothesis in gathering and formulating solutions. Meaning, they undergo simulation.
It still has the same kind of paper on the previous research paper. Since that they have the same researcher. Like above, it provides the certain solution or answer based on their experimentation and simulation. Then the chapters included in this research also has 5 chapters.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Last July 2 of this year, there was a conference held at the Apo View Hotel. COMDDAP (Computer Manufacturer Distributors and Dealers Association of the
The event started late because the seminar before the next seminar finished late. So we roamed around the booth outside the conference room and took all the flyers they are giving. What was captured my attention is the digital camera’s by the CANON company. I really wanted to have my own digital camera since that it is not that just a gadget to me but a useful gadget as well. It captures memories you know. Then there were also a huge kind of printer, though I’ve already seen one in our OJT. It is useful for engineering print outs. The other one is the POS machine or the Post on Sales. Before, I did see that one during my Jollibee days, but I really don’t know the meaning of POS, now I know. It was a POS for restaurant purpose. We had a free ballpen given by the GH Depot. There were also free accesses of internet in the hallway. We were not the only students attended the seminars. I’ve seen from UM, UIC and Ateneo de Davao University.
The first seminar was being discussed by that I have attended was being discussed by Mr. Celster Santos, a representative of the Jupiter Company which deals with the Jupiter Systems Inc. and tackles about the ERIC DMS or the Brilliant Dealer Management System. The system has its own specification. First it monitors sales executive activities, the systems also monitors the sales from initial inquiry to actual close, it also process sales quotation, it also supports sales of new and used vehicles, it also demands multiple pricing and discounting schemes, it also deals with financing and insurance transactions, the vehicle inventory, it records incident and customer resolution, it provides reports and queries, it has an interface that suits the manufacturer, it has highly graphical technician assignment and loading window, it also provides customer appointment, it has customer/vehicle service history, it has technician time-in/time-out, it has parts requisitioning, and it has control parts and consumable costs.
Actually, I really didn’t pay attention to the first seminar since it only deals with the manufacturers of cars. Since that the system are for car dealers. If he discussed the prototype of the coding of the system, maybe I would be interested. But the topic doesn’t catch up my interest. Maybe if I owned a car manufacturer company, I’d rather be interested. But somehow there were still few participants who get interested on the system. The system was nice since that it is complete and the manufacturer won’t ask for more about it. My question was, until now, is that it can be Open source? I mean, what if the manufacturer decides to create a new event to the system, does the system analysts can manipulate the system? Or what will the manufacturer have? Is it an executable file already or with codes? Well, like what I said, it is still a big question to me.
The next seminar is about the HP thin client. On which it catch up my attention since that after the seminar they will be giving prizes to those who really listened well. I have seen some thin client in a computer shop before, but HP thin client is quiet interesting and different. The thin client doesn’t have CD ROMS and hard drives. Then what was really interesting, it has 8 or 7 ports of flash drive. And not only that, it has a security for two ports. It is quiet good especially to those who forgot pulling out their USB. There were lots of advantages the thin client has. First, it has lower IT administration cost, easier to secure since it is thin, it enhanced data security, lower hardware cost since it don’t have CD ROMS and hard drives, it consume less energy, it has easier hardware failure management, worth less to most thieves since that there were no parts on it that has bigger costs, it can be operated in a hostile environment, what I remember is that it can still work within 40 degrees Celsius, it has less network bandwidth, it is usable efficiently in computing resources, it has simple hardware upgrade path, lower noise, and less hardware waste. And what was really amazing is that once it is affected with viruses, just reboot it and it will be back to normal. Isn’t that interesting? Then, the product can be put in other ways. Since it is thin. One picture they let us see is that the thin client product is put in the wall and put at the back of the monitor. Hassle free and it is not space consuming. Though the speaker really speaks fast that time, he can still attract the listeners to listen, and very well, the product is really interesting.
During this topic, I was really interested since they were giving freebies. At what I said, they will give prizes to those who listened and answer the question. And luckily, I get one of the freebies. 2 gig of data traveler flash drive. Kind of disappointed since that I really wanted to get the t-shirt. But still, I was happy for my prize. On this event, my question is how much is the prize of the product. Since that it is use as the server, is it possible to use it as a desktop system unit? Well, actually, it was being answered that it is preferable to use in a big company as a server not as a desktop computer. And like in the topic of one of my classmate in research, is it really appropriate for the University to use it? Since that we have the cost cutting scenario, would the university adopts it?
After the event, me and my friends went to Gaisano South mall for a window shopping, and went home after.
Monday, June 29, 2009
...Fun @ Eat Bulaga...
Actually, my whole family is really a big Kapuso Fan, especially there noon time show, Eat Bulaga. I really like Joey de Leon and Jose Manalo. So my mother and I decided to join the show that time. Infairness, malayo ang Bankerohan since that taga Buhangin kami. When we arrived at the place, me and my mother went directly sa gym. Hindi kasi naman alam na bibili pa pala kami ng tickets to get it. We supposed to buy any of the sponsors; Rebisco Biscuits, Sunsilk, Maggi, Tiki-tiki, Alaxan, and Eight Oclock. Since we dont have any plans to eat lunch, dinamihan na lang namin ang pagbili ng Bicsuits. Nakapasok kami sa gym around 10am. Then that time, the EMCEE was picking contestants in the parlor games. And my mom luckily joined in. Funny lang masyado kasi she was dancing the Kagat Labi dance and stepped up sa chair para makita lang siya ng EMCEE. Thanks to the idea of a guy na nagturo sa kanya para umakyat sa silya. And luckily, nanalo ang group ni mama sa sack race ala namamalengke style. She won P1000 and a Maggi products, TShirt and a mug.
What really funny thing happened that day all happened to me ofcourse. Since kami lang dalawa ni mama ang nagpunta sa place, I joined into a group of people I don't know. I thought na magkakakilala sila, hindi rin pala. Ajejeje. But what was funny is during the time na naghahanap ang EMCEE ng mag-asawang pair for the Pinoy Henyo game. And I love watching that game kaya nagahanap me ng partner. Tinapik ko yung guy na di ko kakilala and asked if we could be a couple for that time. Natakot kasi siya kasi mag-asawa ang hinahanap. Baka daw kasi hanapan kami ng marraige certificate. Then I agreed to him lang naman. But, there were no married couple na lumapit, so the EMCEE decided to call out all mag-syota lang. I was texting that time then all of a sudden kinuha niya ang kamay ko and handed me towards the center aisle. Meaning, nagkaroon ako bigla ng syota for that day. What was funny is that noong nasa gitna na kami nagpakilala with each other. The guy is game about it. During the interview portion, ako lang ang sumasagot noong tinanong na kami about us, where did we meet and when naging kami. Funny thing, noong June 12 lang naging kami. Shocking noh. After the game one of the host of Eat Bulaga asked us to kissed each other. That's the time na kinabahan na talaga ako. And what I answered was "anjan mama ko". But then, pinilit pa rin kami nung host to the kiss, pinagbigyan na lang. Charut. He did kissed me, but not on the lips, sa cheeks lang. Sayang noh?? Joke lang. But unfortunately, we didn't win the game. And after the show, I was laughing all the time because I had a 6hours boyfriend.
The show was fun, especially when my mama won one of the games. Nakakain kami ng lunch around 5 pm , lunch pa yan. And whats really nice about it is that, kasali na yung nagka-syota ako bigla, joke, really, its about having new friends. Ang dami ko kasing nakilala that time eh.
Till next Kapuso Fans Day!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 pOints Of viEw...
But first tackling about insourcing, let me first discuss about the benefits of outsourcing. I have read an article about benefits of outsourcing. First there is an increase of the business. It was quoted in there that, “another benefit of outsourcing is seeing a big increase in your profits, productivity, level of quality, business value, business performance and much more. Outsourcing can help you see an increase in almost every aspect of your business. Outsource and see your organization experience an increase in every aspect with these benefits of outsourcing”. Next is that it guarantees the customer's satisfaction. In outsourcing, the programmer develops it and well do his job according to the need of the business or the user. It then guarantees that the job is done on time and delivered it to the customer on the day the customer suggested it to be delivered. The other one is that the business can concentrate more on the core business. Meaning the University can then manage the campus accordingly without any trouble on thinking for what might happened on the work he wants to accomplish. “By outsourcing all your non-core functions, your employees can be put to better use and you will be able to see a huge growth in your core business”. Then lastly, it gives the business a competitive edge. Since that it was made outside, the programmer has its own idea on how to deal your business not far level from your competitors. It deals on what's new on the outside world, and deals also on what might be the possible effect on it on the later part. That might actually be the reason why USEP uses outsourcing resources be fore.
But then again, the question is, what would be the possible reasons why the University tapped Insourcing from Outsourcing. Still, there are benefits about Insourcing. And these reasons might be the reasons why did the University jumped to Insourcing from Outsourcing. First, it reduces cost. The cost of an Insource professional can be lesser than of an Outsource Professional. As far as I'm concerned with the University, the big concern of it is to reduced cost in any way. But to my view, the Insource Professionals hired by the University can also be competed to those Outsource Professionals based on there skills. I'm not saying this because there were my Instructors before, but I'm saying this because in reality they were really good. But as to my complain as well, the exchanged of it is thrown to us. Next benefit of Insourcing is that it can increased professionals by 2 or more with the cost similar to a single outsourcing. In a short way, the University can really lessen its cost. The other benefit of Insourcing is the direct management. They can hands-on control the development and cycle of the project. The management can really implies what he really wants fir the project and can manage it accordingly. Another one is turnkey services. According to what I have read, “In-Source provides a turnkey solution including facilities, recruitment, human resource management, payroll and benefits administration, tax filings, and communication tools, so you can spend more time focused on your core business”. It also reduce operational expenses. It can also extend productivity time. Since that the professionals is within the University, the management can easily contact the professionals to shift or overlap the working time to create the project lesser on time. And since Insourcing can lessen the cost, it also increase the company's profit. I believe that University acquires more employee now than of last year, and because of that, they really need to drop expenses in any manner they can do.
Really, it was a big surprise last year, second semester that our Instructors withdraws there teaching time to create the new system that was used last enrollment. For creating the new system that was being used during this enrollment really gives me a headache. Arranging the new windows and the new enrollment system really gives me a hard time pointing what to do next. But honestly, it was an easy new routine. Though the only new about it is the registrars line. But then it was not that good for freshmen though I think they did the enrollment for three days or more. The system was a bit nicer compare to the old one, but the idea of Insourcing is not that nice for me.
For me, it was not that really a good idea to have an insource. Since that the professionals on it are teachers. The more affected results on it are the students. It doesn't really lessen the cost or the expenses, for me, it was really the reason of jumping. But then again, by looking for it, the University needs another instructors to cater the need for the students. Then, if they really want to lessen the cost and expenses of the University, why don't they try to minimize the expanding of buildings, creating of new one then never did finished. The only thing I see was already fully furnished is the fence. Why don't they try to think not only for there own benefits but to the student's benefit. One thing, there not the one walking and running back and forth to the school, its the student who do those things.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
...My ReActiOn oN LAdy's PoSt...
Isn't it really wonderful hearing the words of Love. But sometimes it overused. That even a person don’t have something feelings on someone, he/she can use it. Like what Lady said, Love is magic. Magic pala talaga, how I wished I know how that magic can be used properly. But so much for that. She said that once you are in love, you can violate laws and rules. True. But why is it like that?? Why once we are in love, we are blinded by our own feelings?? Why is it that we only feels the happiness and not the risk by getting hurt?? Sad but true. Whew. The one speaking this words, I mean ME, pretends that she never did do those things before. Well, actually, I did. It's just, I’m just as weak as other person, and tend to pretend strong, and tend to pretend that I learned even though I keep on doing those same things again and again. It's just sound true to me but in the end, once I let myself feel the same feelings again, it's over and done. All the things I thought I learned will automatically vanish.
She also said that forgiving and forgetting always accompanies love. Meaning, that even the awful thing one person could do for you as long as you love that person, never really matters. What matters is that the person accepts his/her mistake/s, ask for forgiveness and promise that he/she won’t do that again. But what if that person did the same thing twice, thrice, or many times already. When do really loves occur?? When do really loves still can be called as love?? When can a certain person proves to that someone that she/he loves that someone?? When does heart can forgive and forget?? Kailan ba ang limitation ng pusong magpatawad at the same time, kailan ba ito magsasawa?? If you really love that someone, will the heart tend to forgive even though its too much pain is at risk?? Even though you look stupid behind it.
Im not sayin that I never did tried forgiving the person I love from my past. But in return, he did betray me for doing the same things again behind my back. In that case, I tend ti think for myself. Its better getting hurt by losing that person than receving much pain from that same person. I don't believe in the saying that there are many fishes in the ocean. Kasi kahit gaano pa karami ang isda sa dagat, you will never tend to teach your heart whom to fell in love with. React?? Again, I dont believe that there is someone out on the traffic light who is deserving to each one of us. For me, each has the capability and capacity to be the right one. But if he/she is never meant for you, it will never be even if how hard you tried on it. And lastly, I dont believe in DESTINY. Kung sa text nga, if destiny mo is not so so likely creature, can you accept it?? But then again, well never know, malay mo, siya talaga ang para sayo. If someone comes along, I believe it has a reason. And that reason can be answered if you worked things out together
I remember one text message from a friend. Being with someone you have right now is not by DESTINY, it’s a choice. Its not also that destiny decides who you fell in love with. It’s your choice. Its the choice between two people that relationships last. Its they're choice to work with it, fight for it, and to make it last. If one relationship fails, it the choice of one of the two to let ot fail. Its not only that love last the relationship. Love binds them and get into a relationship. Cause for me, love fades, no matter how great it is.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
...Steps fOr mOving On aftER a bReAk-Up...
Stage one
1) Don’t see him
If he has to come to the flat, arrange for someone else to be there. Ban him from dropping in casually and ask him to remove the rest of his stuff as soon as possible.
2) Don’t contact him
No more ‘how are you getting on’ emails or ‘I’ve just found that shirt of yours’ phone calls. Forget about excuses to get in touch. It just keeps you hanging in there and hoping. If he’s contacting you, ask him not to.
3) Don’t go to the empty cupboard
Trying to find ways to fix or get back a relationship you know in your heart is over is like going to an empty cupboard hoping that instead of a few crumbs you’ll find a big fat loaf there. You won’t, and as long as you’re going back to that cupboard you won’t see the deliciously full one just around the corner. Close the door on it and walk away.
4) Talk about him less
Going over every detail of what happened with friends may feel comforting initially, but after a few weeks it’s time to stop. Friends get bored and you get stuck. So be very selective about what you say and the people you say it to and start talking about other things.
5) Stop giving yourself a hard time
So you weren’t perfect. Well neither was he. You both did your best to make it work and it didn’t. Put it down to experience and forget about blaming him or yourself. Blaming anyone hurts only you and holds you back from recovery.
6) Think of yourself as over it
Imagine a date a few weeks away when instead of feeling awful you’ll wake up and know you’re over it. The sun will come out, gorgeous men will appear from nowhere and you’ll feel like going out and living life again. Why wait? Draw that day towards you, so that it becomes tomorrow. Feel the excitement of knowing you did it, you survived and life is good again. Now hang onto that feeling.
Stage two 2) Start Flirting 3) Take your time Husky isn't it. But actually, the best way to move on is finding time for yourself to be happy even without your partner. How to do that, a very simple view, do it with friends.
1) Feel GorgeousSelf-esteem takes a tumble after a break-up and you have to rebuild it step by step. Feeling Gorgeous is vital, and anyone can do it. Tell yourself you’re sexy, charismatic, bright and desirable – and listen to friends who think you are too. Act Gorgeous by pampering yourself, even if you don’t feel like it and don’t think it will make a difference. Believe me, it will!
What’s important now is to meet lots of people, men and women, and talk, smile, flirt, take an interest and laugh with them. Life as part of a couple often limits contact with other people. Now it’s time to get really sociable.
Don’t know how to meet people? This is an excuse to hide behind. If you want to meet people, you will. Make a list, right now, of all the ways you could do this. Join an evening class you’ve always wanted to take such as Italian. Try something physically demanding such as rock climbing or arrange a get-together with old friends.
Don’t jump hastily into any romantic relationships. The rule tends to be that if you rush in fast it will end fast too. So go slowly. If you fancy someone, great, but hold back for a while and remember that this new you is in charge and needn’t hurry.
Monday, March 30, 2009
...nOthing hAs bROken....

I've decided that I must move on. Forget everything that happened and let go of the past that almost destroyed me. Char. Honestly, I don't know where to start and how to start moving on. My friends keep telling me that I should and must divert my attention to another thing. But what could that be? And how could that help me? Well, moving on must be according to my will and guts. If i really want to let him go, and get away from the pain, I should do everything, my will and my motivation to forget him. Though, not really to forget him, but to let go of the feelings.
Last February, during the Valentine's event on or church, it is about Love, courtship, and marriage. The pastor said that it's God who will give the right person, at the right time, Before, I told myself that there is no one called to be deserving person for a certain person, but I knew that there is someone like that. I just told myself about that because I can't face the fact that the person I'm inlove with is not the right one for me. That even if I wanted him to be what others called deserving person in me, I know it wont happen because I know that he dont want it to be. Meaning, love has no reason, but if the feeling is gone, it will find thousands of excuses. I'm so stupid asking for signs on which if it is answered, I wont accept it, and asking for another signs. Or in other ways, im seeing it as the reverse of the real meaning.
I love him, I still do. That's why I'm doing this for me to become happy.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
...CatALUnAn EscApAde...



It was really an overwhelming and heartbreaking event seeing the youth sa Catalunan na umiiyak when they had the chance to hear and experience God in them. Nakaka-touch seeing them after being prayed over by our pastor na talagang umiiyak sa ila with all their hearts. I prayed that another event like this will happened again.
...Father's Love Letter...
My Child,
You may not know me,
but I know everything about you.
Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up.
Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways.
Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.
Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image.
Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being.
Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring.
Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived.
Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation.
Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake,
for all your days are written in my book.
Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth
and where you would live.
Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born.
Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented
by those who don't know me.
John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry,
but am the complete expression of love.
1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.
1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child
and I am your Father.
1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could.
Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father.
Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.
James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.
Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love.
Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless
as the sand on the seashore.
Psalms 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you.
Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession.
Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you
with all my heart and all my soul.
Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things.
Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart,
you will find me.
Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires.
Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you
than you could possibly imagine.
Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you
in all your troubles.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted,
I am close to you.
Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb,
I have carried you close to my heart.
Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away
every tear from your eyes.
Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain
you have suffered on this earth.
Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you
even as I love my son, Jesus.
John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed.
John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being.
Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you,
not against you.
Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression
of my love for you.
1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I loved
that I might gain your love.
Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus,
you receive me.
1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you
from my love again.
Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party
heaven has ever seen.
Luke 15:7
I have always been Father,
and will always be Father.
Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is…
Will you be my child?
John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you.
Luke 15:11-32
Love, Your Dad
Almighty God
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
...hiDDEn pAin...
But not all the time, friends share laughter, fun, and smiles. There are also moments in our lives that we let our closest friend to be a stranger in our life, for the reason that they become our mortal enemy because of a simple argument or misunderstanding. Each barkada has its own story to tell. Like mine, I belong to a barkada that silent for a while and talks all the time. But it’s accepted, I’m one of the evidence. Still, our barkada has its own problem as well.
Why do barkada’s ended up separated? Naks, porang mag-asawa. Of course, friends treat each other as brothers and sisters. Kumbaga, magkakadugtong na ang sikmura. Sometimes, I asked myself what would be the reason that our barkada is not anymore what I called the barkada I belong, before. Reason? It’s the permanent thing in this world, CHANGE! Some friends don’t have time for each other. Or one member of the group fell in love with the other member and his/her time revolves to that person. That even if magkasama kayo, your presence is not felt. Or more likely, they will ask that could you give us moments together? Gosh ha, magakasama na nga the whole day. Or other would step out of the group because he/she has something important matter to do. Chicks2x kumabaga, or guy hunting. Though I’m not really as in against having lovelife, mayroon naman din kasi ako. I really don’t understand the situation na pag may dumating na friend, maiilang ka na lang na pansinin siya because your not hanging out much often, or more likely, your not really hanging out together again. Then, what happened? Wala, nasira lang naman ang grupo because of that,
I remembered quotable quote given to me by my other friend. It says that “uunahin talaga ang boyfriend/girlfriend kesa sa mga kaibigan, but when hurting moments come, kanino lalapit?? Sa friends pa rin tatakbo”. I hate hearing that statement cause it feels like takbuhan lang ang mga kaibigan sa kalungkutan but couldn’t even share there happiness. Like what I have said, I’m not really against having relationship or whatever, I just don’t want change. It’s just; I feel that others don’t know what’s going on while others are really affected. Or they already knew there’s something happening, they just don’t care. How sad if that’s the case. And how sad, its happening within my group of friends.